Wednesday, April 1, 2015

How to convert video to 3GP or MP4 mobile phone format?

According to the latest release of the report shows that, with the popularity of intelligent terminals, a new consumer behavior is formed, namely, whenever and wherever possible to watch the video. Now in the streets, restaurants and other places, while walking, while eating, chatting and more and more people watch the video. A young man holding a mobile phone went into a restaurant sat down and ordered a bowl of noodles. While waiting, continue to use the mobile phone to watch the CBA game. Face end up, he took the paper towel box with a mobile phone, and still watch. After picking up the mobile phone, go outside, still watching when walking.

With the development of mobile phone hardware, the mobile phone has been able to play a variety of video formats, such as MP4, 3GP, WMV, AVI and so on, which is the mobile phone support MP4 format, the most common form of 3GP mobile phone, as early as the supported formats, because of its low quality, has been basically out of mobile phone video stage. When mobile phone video converter, MP4 format’s quality is good, the best is the compatibility of this specification, in accordance with the conversion of video, can be compatible with most mobile phone.

AllPepole Video Converter is powerful, can support almost all common video formats, including HD video formats and common video format, it is not subject to any restrictions. In addition, the output format of the video converter can also be seen, the software has a built-in abundant output formats, including HD video format corresponding, popular mobile device video format, need to use what kind of format you choose what kind of, all kinds of video format conversion with this tool is smooth operation, simple and efficient!

Free download Video converter for Mac: